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Most Beautiful Destinations in Switzerland!

KM Krenik

Updated: Jun 1, 2024

a quaint village on the water in Switzerland
Beautiful village in Switzerland

Au revoir to Paris! Guten tag to Switzerland!

We took a train from Gare de Lyon and enjoyed breathtaking views along the scenic ride through the French alps to on the way to Zurich. Once we arrived in Zurich, we headed to our hotel, Meininger Hotel Zurich Green City. This hotel was affordable and perfect for our family. Even more to our liking was how spotlessly clean it was. But it was far from the train station in Zurich.

I'm not sure how one would get to that hotel without either a taxi or a rental car. More than likely there is a bus. We had very little time in Switzerland and wanted to see Rob's cousins so we paid the price and rented a car for a day.

After we checked in to the hotel, we drove an hour south to visit Rob's cousins, Reto and Margret. They live in the quaint town of Zizers, Switzerland, up on a hillside surrounded by vineyards. They had a lovely garden and set a table for dinner outside among the many flowers and roses. It was just like a storybook. The weather was perfect, too. Not too hot, not too cold. No wind.

As we sat down for dinner, it suddenly started to rain! Out of the blue, literally. We all laughed and Margret said, "Okay, perhaps we won't have our meal outside then," as she picked up the silverware and dishes and headed inside.

Once we all settled down around their dining room table, Margret brought out a colorful and lovely board of cheeses, sausages, fruits, vegetables, and breads. A delicious spread and beautiful hospitality! We caught up a bit on their lives and they gave us ideas for top things we could do when in Italy. In fact, we had planned on going to Pisa, but Reto said, "What is there to see in Pisa? Nothing but a tower! You should see Florence!"

After our wonderful meal, Reto brought out his homemade after-dinner schnapps which he makes from his cherry trees. Oh my! He takes great pride in it, and he should! But our family doesn't drink alcohol very often, and it was extremely strong stuff, let me tell you! By the time we left, it was ten o'clock and dark outside.

On the drive back to our hotel we got a little lost, and that made for an exciting night ride! We kept taking wrong turns, went in circles for a while, then ended up a on a hillside on an unpaved road. Nearly ran into a cow, and couldn't read the warning signs that said "no trespassing." Oops.

Either the navigation system in the car was giving us bad directions, or the schnapps was messing with our minds. Nathan thought it was the funniest thing ever, us getting lost in another country where we couldn't read the language. Somehow we managed to get back to the hotel that night with no harm done to us or the rental car. Still, I'd advise against drinking Reto's schnapps followed by driving in the future.

It is difficult to choose the most beautiful destinations in Switzerland, because everywhere you go is so splendid. It will always be one of my favorite countries in the world to visit. I've been there twice before this trip, both times were in Zurich and Lucerne. The next time I go to Switzerland, I will make sure to stay in a couple of quaint villages in the French alps and the Italian alps. Chamonix, Annecy, and Canale di Tenno are my top three choices of places I wish to visit! It would also be fun to see the real Matterhorn. (Not the one in Disneyland.)

That about sums up our short stay in Switzerland. Short and sweet with nothing but incredible sights to see! Uf widerluege! Until next time, when we'll be heading to Venice!

Have you been to Switzerland? Would you like to go? What part of Switzerland would you want to visit the most?

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